Anthony Robustiano is a high-energy and dynamic stand-up comedian and actor known for his infectious energy, millennial relatability, and vibrant storytelling. Originally from New York, Anthony emerged as a social media star in 2024, amassing nearly two million followers and over 40 million likes across platforms. Now based in Vermont, he skillfully juggles his emerging comedy career with co-managing the family-owned business, Robo Creemies & General Store alongside his parents. His devoted fans eagerly make the journey to the store and follow his performances across many cities.

06/22/2025 8:30 PM

Door Time: 7:30 PM

Other Showtimes

Anthony Robustiano is a high-energy and dynamic stand-up comedian and actor known for his infectious energy, millennial relatability, and vibrant storytelling. Originally from New York, Anthony emerged as a social media star in 2024, amassing nearly two million followers and over 40 million likes across platforms. Now based in Vermont, he skillfully juggles his emerging comedy career with co-managing the family-owned business, Robo Creemies & General Store alongside his parents. His devoted fans eagerly make the journey to the store and follow his performances across many cities.

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Fee applies if transferring confirmed ticket purchase to another guest.

Ages 21+

Anthony Robustiano is a high-energy and dynamic stand-up comedian and actor known for his infectious energy, millennial relatability, and vibrant storytelling. Originally from New York, Anthony emerged as a social media star in 2024, amassing nearly two million followers and over 40 million likes across platforms. Now based in Vermont, he skillfully juggles his emerging comedy career with co-managing the family-owned business, Robo Creemies & General Store alongside his parents. His devoted fans eagerly make the journey to the store and follow his performances across many cities.